Consider Strategies for Success Course

Consider Strategies for Success Course

ROSEBURG, Oregon – Although there are a lot of impressive courses that Umpqua Community College (UCC) has to offer, there is one in particular that stands out against many. Strategies for Success is offered as a means to help students create greater success in college and in life. Students explore empowering strategies like getting on course to your success, accepting personal responsibility, discovering self-motivation, mastering self-management, employing interdependence, gaining self-awareness, adopting lifelong learning, developing emotional intelligence, and staying on course to your success.

By writing a guided journal, participating in small group and class activities, and completing a final course project, students are able to grasp these strategies effectively. This class would be extremely beneficial to every individual student who attends because it embodies vital skills and structure that one can take with them for the rest of their lives.

As a freshman at UCC, taking Strategies for Success my first term of college has been incredibly helpful to say the least. Not only have I been able to take a deeper look into myself and find confidence as an individual, but I’ve also been able to learn how to handle various tasks of life as effectively and positively as possible. All of which has allowed me to come out of my shell more, talk about my ideas and even make new friends.

The ability to look inside myself and find a creator mindset was another vital thing I learned. However, that one thing has completely changed my outlook on not only my college experience but my life as well.

Additionally, Strategies for Success has taught me how to manage my money, make wise decisions, create inner motivation, develop self-discipline, strengthen relationships, reduce stress, truly believe in myself and so much more.

I didn’t know it was possible for me to learn this much about myself and my life in general in as little as ten weeks, but this class has been one of the most influential I have ever taken. With the assistance of Professor Marie Gambill, I have discovered my own personal philosophy of success, and I think that’s extremely important.

I think everyone should at the very least, consider enrolling in Strategies for Success, you’ll be very happy with your decision if you do.

Story by:
Michala Carpine
UCC Scholar
Student Contributor

About Umpqua Community College

Nestled in the beautiful North Umpqua River Valley, Umpqua Community College is the regional center for higher education in Douglas County, Oregon. UCC provides high quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities.


Marie Gambill
Associate Professor, Learning Skills
Phone: 541-440-7806