Red Your Lips to Raise Awareness

Red Your Lips to Raise Awareness

ROSEBURG, Oregon – In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, members of the Umpqua Community College (UCC) campus community wore red lipstick to demonstrate solidarity and support for survivors. The idea behind “Red Your Lips” Day was to raise visibility and awareness about the realities and prevalence of sexual violence, while combating rape myths and victim-blaming.

The red lipstick was available in the shade hot red in the LaVerne Murphy Student Center Lobby while supplies lasted.

We (had) a total of 60 new tubes of lipstick and expect(ed) at least 60 people to participate, Marjan Coester, the director of Student Engagement, said.

This is UCC’s third year participating in “Red Your Lips” Day, but this year it lasted two days instead of one. The extension gave members of UCC’s campus community an extra day to show their support. The event was organized by the Associated Students of Umpqua Community College (ASUCC) leadership group as one of the several activities scheduled to show support and raise awareness for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

On Wednesday, April 24, student leaders and campus community members are encouraged to make a social statement with a fashion statement and wear jeans to visibly protest the myths that surround sexual assault. To participate, you can raise awareness by wearing denim or decorating jean pockets with non-victim blaming messages.

Story and photos by Madelyn Foster, UCC Student

About Umpqua Community College

Nestled in the beautiful North Umpqua River Valley, Umpqua Community College is the regional center for higher education in Douglas County, Oregon. UCC provides high quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities.