Success Strategies for Online Learning

Success Strategies for Online Learning

ROSEBURG, Oregon – Recent events have forced a shift to online education. Students, teachers, and educational institutions have had to adapt. If you are adapting or considering distance learning as a viable option, please read on.

First of all, some students are thinking about stepping out of education at this time. Here is one argument against that:

History tells us that, during a tough economy, it is time to invest and innovate. As a modern example, due to the current pandemic, industrial activity has slowed down. It has forced a large science experiment and answered the question about how much of mankind’s activities affect the planet’s health. It turns out that the planet’s atmosphere is clearing up. This has sparked investment in renewable energy because people understand it will actually make a difference.

Similarly, on an individual level, this is the time to invest in yourself. People who upskill, learn, and grow now will make themselves more valuable to their current or future employers.

UCC, as an institution, realizes that now is the time to learn, grow, and innovate. The College is supporting students 100%, while adapting to make sure students have the tools they need to be successful. UCC is adopting technology at an unprecedented rate. In the first week of Spring term, more than 1,000 virtual classes and meetings took place via Zoom™ and other technologies. The UCC Athletics Department recently contracted BlueFrame Technology™ to stream athletic events on the Internet. The UCC Foundation has also awarded numerous Innovation Grants to fund educational technology projects for various UCC departments. There is more news to come on that front.

For many students though, the question is, Can I complete online classes successfully?

Here are some tried and true tips and strategies.

  1. Get wise about technology – Make sure you have access or can get access to high-speed Internet, a modern computer, and software that will allow you to access your classes and complete assignments. Some Internet providers are helping students get low-cost or no-cost Internet access. If you know you are lacking in this department, ask for help. Talk to your academic advisor, enrollment advisor, financial aid advisor, and professors. UCC is here to help its students!
  2. Practice Time Management – Online classes are very flexible because in many cases they allow you to create your own schedule. For some, creating and sticking to a schedule is a challenge. Need help? Contact the UCC Peer Mentors. Peer Mentors are UCC students who have mastered how to be a successful student and they can help you.
  3. Create a study space – A study space should be comfortable but not cozy. Part of creating the space is to avoid distractions. Steer clear of the TV! A desk, chair, and ample lighting in a quiet space is optimal. If that is not possible, for many, a kitchen table can work.
  4. Take breaks – When Einstein, the famous physicist, ran into a mathematical problem, he took a break and played his Violin. So, take a walk outside. Play some music. Do some exercises. A quick break can refresh you and put you in the right frame of mind to continue your studies.

UCC truly believes that everyone can be successful at distance learning. It often takes as much effort as in-person learning. For some students, it may take more effort to engage in distance education. One thing you can be sure of is that UCC is here to help you!

Image top: Students can access Internet, computers, and software in a UCC Lab. Social distancing required.

About Umpqua Community College

Nestled in the beautiful North Umpqua River Valley, Umpqua Community College is the regional center for higher education in Douglas County, Oregon. UCC provides high quality college degree programs, workforce development, and community learning opportunities.


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